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von neumann ordinals generator

world's simplest integer tool

This online utility generates the definitions of positive integers using von Neumann ordinals and prints the recursive sets in a vertical list. You can switch between the fully expanded recursive definition that uses subsets or the symbolic definition that references previous natural numbers. You can also specify the number of recursions and the starting integer, as well as adjust the format of the sets. Created by math nerds from team Browserling.

᠎᠎᠎          Tool Options

Von Neumann Ordinals Type

Generate ordinals recursively
by combining sets of subsets.
Generate ordinals symbolically
by referencing previous ordinals.

Start and Count

Starting ordinal.
Number of ordinals.
Set element separator symbol.

Ordinals Format

Open set symbol.
Close set symbol.
Empty set symbol.

What is a von neumann ordinals generator?

With this webapp, you can generate a sequence of von Neumann ordinals. These ordinals represent positive integers (natural numbers) as a list of recursively defined sets. Each next stage is obtained by forming a new set that combines the previous integer with the set of all previous integers. This way each ordinal is the well-ordered set of all smaller ordinals. The construction of von Neumann ordinals can be performed in two ways – referencing previous natural numbers symbolically or recursively using subsets. Symbolic ordinals start with the base case empty set {}, which represents 0. The next ordinal is constructed by adding the previous ordinal to the previous set. So, the next ordinal after 0 is created by adding 0 to {}. This creates {0}, which represents 1. The next one is 1 added to {0}, which creates {0, 1}, which represents 2. The next one is 2 added to {0, 1}, which creates {0, 1, 2}, which represents 3. Each subsequent iteration adds the previous integer number and this continues to infinity, which is called ω. Ordinals via subsets are constructed recursively by starting with the empty set and then taking all sets containing previously-defined sets as elements. The integer 0 is defined as ∅ (empty set). The next integer 1 is constructed by creating a new set with ∅ as its only element, so we get {∅}, which equals 1. The second recursive stage includes first and zeroth stages and creates the set {∅, {∅}}, which equals 2. The third stage is constructed from the 0th (∅), 1st ({∅}), and 2nd ({∅, {∅}}) subsets and we get {∅, {∅}, {∅, {∅}}} as integer 3. For both types of von Neumann ordinals, you can specify the open "{" and close "}" set symbols, and the empty set symbol, which is usually the ∅ Unicode symbol. You can also customize the set element separator (comma by default), the starting ordinal, and the recursive depth (how many integers to construct). Ordinabulous!

Von neumann ordinals generator examples

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Symbolic References

In this example, we generate ten stages of von Neumann ordinals symbolically, where each stage references the previous ones. The empty set {} is equal to 0 by definition. Then each next ordinal is obtained by referencing the previous ordinal and adding it to the currently constructed set. So, 1 is {0}, 2 is {0, 1}, 3 is {0, 1, 2}, and so on.

{} {0} {0, 1} {0, 1, 2} {0, 1, 2, 3} {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
Generate ordinals symbolically
by referencing previous ordinals.
Starting ordinal.
Number of ordinals.
Set element separator symbol.
Open set symbol.
Close set symbol.
Empty set symbol.

Expanded Sets

This example shows the first five ordinals written in the expanded von Neumann notation using sets and subsets. The empty set (∅) is the first element of this sequence and is equal to 0. The next element is 1 and it's equal to a set of all previous sets, which is a set of ∅, which equals {∅}. The next ordinal 2 is again a set of all previous sets and equals {∅, {∅}}, etc. To show what can be customized, we changed the set element separator from a comma to a semicolon.

∅ {∅} {∅; {∅}} {∅; {∅}; {∅; {∅}}} {∅; {∅}; {∅; {∅}}; {∅; {∅}; {∅; {∅}}}}
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
Generate ordinals recursively
by combining sets of subsets.
Starting ordinal.
Number of ordinals.
Set element separator symbol.
Open set symbol.
Close set symbol.
Empty set symbol.

Von Neumann Ornaments

In this example, we use custom set symbols and generate levels one to six (total of five) of von Neumann construction. We enter the glyph "◈" in the empty set field, glyph "<" in the open set symbol field, and glyph ">" in the close set symbol field, and leave the set element separator field empty that merges all set elements together. In the output, we get beautiful von Neumann patterns.

<◈> <◈<◈>> <◈<◈><◈<◈>>> <◈<◈><◈<◈>><◈<◈><◈<◈>>>> <◈<◈><◈<◈>><◈<◈><◈<◈>>><◈<◈><◈<◈>><◈<◈><◈<◈>>>>>
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
Generate ordinals recursively
by combining sets of subsets.
Starting ordinal.
Number of ordinals.
Set element separator symbol.
Open set symbol.
Close set symbol.
Empty set symbol.

Pro tips Master online integer tools

You can pass options to this tool using their codes as query arguments and it will automatically compute output. To get the code of an option, just hover over its icon. Here's how to type it in your browser's address bar. Click to try!


All Integer Tools

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Write Integers in a Fancy Font

Quickly rewrite integer digits using pretty Unicode glyphs.

Generate Integer Pairs

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Generate Integer Triples

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Generate Symmetric Integers

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Palindromize an Integer

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Extract Integers from Data

Quickly find all integers in the given text or string.

Create an Integer ZigZag

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Destroy Integers

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Rewrite an Integer as a Sum

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Rewrite an Integer as a Product

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Shuffle Integers

Quickly randomize the given sequence of integers.

Shuffle Integer Digits

Quickly mix the order of digits in an integer.

Sort Integers

Quickly put integers in increasing or decreasing order.

Sort Integer Digits

Quickly sort the individual digits of an integer.

Increment Integers

Quickly increase all integers by a certain amount.

Increment Integer Digits

Quickly increase individual digits by a certain amount.

Decrement Integers

Quickly decrease all integers by a certain amount.

Decrement Integer Digits

Quickly decrease individual digits by a certain amount.

Pick an Integer

Quickly randomly select an integer from a list of integers.

Separate Integer Digits

Quickly create groups from the digits of an integer.

Reverse Integer Digits

Quickly write integer digits backwards.

Delete Integer Digits

Quickly remove one or more digits from an integer.

Replace Integer Digits

Quickly replace one or more digits in an integer.

Truncate Integers

Quickly drop digits from an integer and make it shorter.

Add Commas to an Integer

Quickly add the thousands separator to integers.

Remove Commas from an Integer

Quickly remove the thousands separator from integers.

Find the Max Integer

Quickly find the largest integer in a list of integers.

Find the Min Integer

Quickly find the smallest integer in a list of integers.

Add Integers

Quickly find the total sum of a bunch of integers.

Add Integer Digits

Quickly find the sum of all the digits in an integer.

Multiply Integers

Quickly find the total product of a bunch of integers.

Multiply Integer Digits

Quickly find the product of all the digits in an integer.

Find the Running Total

Quickly calculate the partial sum of a bunch of integers.

Find the Running Product

Quickly calculate the partial product of a bunch of integers.

Change Integer Sign

Quickly flip the sign of one or more integers.

Split an Integer

Quickly split an integer into chunks of a given length.

Join Integers

Quickly merge partial integers together to form a larger integer.

Round Integers

Quickly round integers up or down to the required precision.

Create an Image from Integers

Quickly convert integers to a downloadable picture.

Generate von Neumann Ordinals

Quickly generate a list of von Neumann ordinals.

Generate Zermelo Ordinals

Quickly generate a list of Zermelo ordinals.

Enumerate Integers

Quickly generate an ordered sequence of integers.

Print Even Integers

Quickly generate an ordered list of even integers.

Print Odd Integers

Quickly generate an ordered list of odd integers.

Convert Integers to Words

Quickly write an integer spelling in words.

Convert Words to Integers

Quickly convert spelled integers to regular integers with digits.

Create an Integer Array

Quickly generate an array of integers for programming.

Analyze Integers

Quickly find the number of occurrences of digits in integers.

Coming Soon

These integer tools are on the way!
Draw von Neumann Universe

Create a drawing that visualizes von Neumann hierarchy of sets.

Generate a Sudoku Board

Create a sudoku puzzle.

Generate Magic Integers

Create a list of neat-looking integers (called magic integers).

Create Integer n-Tuples

Generate a list of tuples of integers with n elements.

Convert Integers to Unary Base

Quickly convert integers to base one.

Convert Unary Base to Integers

Quickly convert base one to integers.

Convert Integers to Binary Base

Quickly convert integers to base two.

Convert Binary Base to Integers

Quickly convert base two to integers.

Convert Integers to Octal Base

Quickly convert integers to base eight.

Convert Octal Base to Integers

Quickly convert base eight to integers.

Convert Integers to Hex Base

Quickly convert integers to base sixteen.

Convert Hex Base to Integers

Quickly convert base sixteen to integers.

Convert Integers to Base64

Quickly encode integers to base-64.

Convert Base64 to Integers

Quickly decode base-64 to integers.

Change Integer Base

Quickly convert integers to a custom base.

Convert Integers to HTML Entities

Quickly encode integers to HTML encoding.

Convert HTML Entities to Integers

Quickly decode HTML entities to integers.

Convert Integers to URL Encoding

Quickly encode integers to URL (percent) encoding.

Convert URL Encoding to Integers

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Convert Signed Integer to Unsigned

Quickly convert a signed integer to an unsigned integer.

Convert Unsigned Integer to Signed

Quickly convert an unsigned integer to a signed integer.

Create Random Integers

Generate a list of random integers.

Check if an Integer is Symmetric

Check if the given integers are palindromes.

Generate an Integer Matrix

Create a matrix whose entries are all integers.

Generate an Integer Vector

Create a vector with integer coefficients.

Find Integer Average

Quickly calculate the average value of integers.

Find Integer Digit Average

Quickly calculate the average value of integer digits.

Pick an Integer Digit

Quickly randomly select a digit from an integer.

Compare Integers

Find which of the given integers is the biggest or smallest.

Clamp Integers

Limit integer values to a range.

Clamp Integer Digits

Limit integer digit values to a range.

Duplicate Integers

Create multiple copies of the input integers.

Duplicate Integer Digits

Create multiple copies of digits of input integers.

Rotate Integers

Rotate the digits of an integer to the left or right.

Shift Integer Digits

Move the digits of an integer to the left or right.

Subtract Integers

Quickly find the difference of a bunch of integers.

AND Integers

Quickly apply the bitwise AND operation to integers.

OR Integers

Quickly apply the bitwise OR operation to integers.

XOR Integers

Quickly apply the bitwise XOR operation to integers.

NOT Integers

Quickly apply the bitwise NOT operation to integers.

NAND Integers

Quickly apply the bitwise NAND operation to integers.

NOR Integers

Quickly apply the bitwise NOR operation to integers.

XNOR Integers

Quickly apply the bitwise NXOR operation to integers.

Divide Integers

Quickly divide two or more integers.

Divide Integer Digits

Quickly divide the digits of an integer.

Convert an Integer to Ordinal

Add -st, -nd, -rd, -th suffixes to integers to make them ordinals.

Convert an Oridinal to Integer

Remove -st, -nd, -rd, -th suffixes from ordinals to make them ints.

Filter Integers

Find integers that match a filter (greater, less, equal).

Left-pad Integers

Add padding to integers on the left side.

Right-pad Integers

Add padding to integers on the right side.

Right-align Integers

Position all integers so that they align on the right.

Center Integers

Position all integers so that they align in the middle.

Take Absolute Value of Integers

Turn all integers into positive integers.

Make All Integers Negative

Turn all integers into negative integers.

Convert Integers to Fractions

Rewrite an integer in fractional form.

Convert Fractions to Integers

Extract the numerator and denominator from a fraction.

Find and Replace Integers

Search for all occurrences of an integer and replace it.

Generate Regex from Integers

Create a regex that matches the given integers.

Generate Integers from a Regex

Create integers that match the given regular expression.

Generate Small Integers

Create relatively tiny integers.

Generate Big Integers

Create relatively huge integers.

Generate Oscillating Integers

Create a sequence of oscillating integers, such as 123212321.

Generate a Multi-integer Sequence

Create multiple integer sequences at once.

Introduce Errors in Integers

Slightly change an integer so it has an error.

Introduce Errors in Integer Digits

Slightly change integer digits so there are errors.

Make Integers Fuzzy

Apply fuzzing to integers and add perturbations.

Make Integers Digits Fuzzy

Apply fuzzing to integer digits and add digit perturbations.

Highlight Integers

Add highlighting to certain integers.

Highlight Integer Digits

Add highlighting to certain integer digits.

Color Integers

Add color to integers based on a condition.

Color Integer Digits

Add color to individual digits in the given integers.

Convert Integers to Pixels

Quickly assign colors to integers and draw them as pixels.

Convert Pixels to Integers

Quickly assign integer values to pixel colors and print them.

Draw an Integer Spiral

Make the digits of an integer go in a spiral shape.

Draw an Integer Circle

Make the digits of an integer go in a circle.

Draw an Integer Diamond

Make the digits of an integer go in a diamond shape.

Draw an Integer Box

Fill a box with certain width and height with digits.

Create 2D Integers

Use ASCII art to convert integers to 2-dimensional drawings.

Create 3D Integers

Use ASCII art to convert integers to 3-dimensional drawings.

Decompose an Integer

Decompose an integer into ones, tens, hundreds, etc.

Print Increasing Integers

Generate an ordered list of increasing integers.

Print Decreasing Integers

Generate an ordered list of decreasing integers.

Print Integer Information

Quickly find various information about the given integers.

Find Patterns in Integers

Find hidden patterns of numbers in integers.

Calculate Integer Entropy

Find the Shannon entropy of an integer.


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